Adam's Expertise
Meet Adam, a distinguished cybersecurity expert and veteran whose remarkable journey in technology spans over three decades. Beginning his tech career at the remarkably young age of 12, Adam’s path led him to serve in the United States Air Force at 18, where he worked on nuclear weapon systems for the F-111 and B-52 aircraft.
With more than 30 years in Information Technology, Adam has collaborated with over 2,000 businesses across 100 different industries, including industry giants like Boeing, General Dynamics, and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. His expertise and dedication have earned him numerous accolades, including the Businessman of the Year award in 2006 and the Secretary of Defense Patriotic Employer Award in 2017.
A prominent figure in cyber security education and media, Adam has been featured in several groundbreaking documentaries in the “Cyber Crime” series. Both “Cyber Crime” and “Cyber Crime – The Dark Web Uncovered” are currently streaming on Amazon Prime, while the highly anticipated “Cyber Crime – Fallout” will be available on the platform soon. His expertise earned him recognition as one of the nation’s “10 Leading Cyber Crime Experts,” and he has authored influential books including “Computers Should Just Work” and “The EZ Guide to Basic Cyber Security.” His media presence extends beyond documentaries to multiple magazine features and television appearances, establishing him as a trusted voice in the cybersecurity landscape.
Adam’s philosophy, “True cybersecurity is preparing for what’s next, not for what was last,” reflects his forward-thinking approach to digital security. His expertise is particularly crucial in today’s landscape, where 43% of cyber attacks target small businesses, and 60% of affected small businesses close within six months of an attack. With cyber breaches against small businesses increasing by 424% in the past year alone, Adam’s knowledge and experience are more valuable than ever.
Adam Pittman is a cyber security expert and author who inspires leaders, entrepreneurs, and other professionals to gain empowerment through their technology.
Adam is on a mission to help people protect themselves from cyber security threats through simple and cost-effective methods. Best known for being featured in the Documentaries Cyber Crime (2019) and The Dark Web Uncovered (2022) – How to provide practical and inexpensive to stay safe from cyber criminals, Adam is an expert at equipping audiences with thought-provoking and practical tools to protect themselves from cyber threats.
Adam is available to develop a presentation that is just right for your audience. He will customize his presentation to ensure that your participants are inspired and equipped through a range of topics including:
- Hackers Need To Make A Living Too
- How To Be Cyber-Safe: Everything you wanted to know about being scammed but did not know who to Ask.
“Adam’s speech on hackers and how to stay safe against them was extremely educational. I would recommend this talk to anyone who is interested in learning about technology and hackers.”
Adam Pittman, president/founder of Computerbilities located in Cary, NC and IT support and solutions expert of more than 35 years has been featured in the documentary “Cyber Crime” as 1 of the top 10 leading experts in our nation’s Cyber Security solutions field. This film is being directed by award winning producer Jeff Roldan of Roldan Companies Inc (I-ology, Words of Art, Miracles in Action) and Peter Verlezza of SMB Networks LLC. “Cyber Crime” will be released this summer in theaters nationwide and will also be available on Amazon Prime.
The context of this film features the 10 cybersecurity experts sharing their experiences and expertise on safe security practices for both the individual and corporation, in real world situations. Cyber Crime’s premiere launched at the Pacific Theater at The Grove in Los Angeles, CA this past May 15th, 2019.
Computerbilites had their own premiere of the film on October 24th 2019 at the Fully Frame theater in Durham, NC.
5 Computer Cracks..
One day, your computer is going to crash. At the Expert Story Summit hosted by the Harvard Club, our president Adam Pittman discusses why computer crashes are inevitable as well as 5 things you can do to easily prolong the life of your computer.
Arizona Daily Mix
An interview with our President Adam Pittman on Arizona Daily Mix details what computer users aren’t doing well to protect their computers from crashing because of spyware or malware. The segment is more specific for PC users, but these 5 tips he shares are useful for everyone who has a computer.
Password Protection
Did you know the most common password is Password123? This seems unbelievable in a world where hacking is so prevalent. This television interview with Adam Pittman details some expert tips on how to make your accounts unhackable! Watch to see why you should treat your password like your toothbrush, don’t share it!
Phishing Scams
Every day, people fall for email scams that steal their information and violate their privacy. During this interview, our president, Adam Pittman, shares how you can better protect yourself and your family from phishing and credit card scams. From his expert experience, he reveals what to look for to avoid a scam, and a few common ways scammers trick people into giving over private information.
Money And Info Safe
For Daytime’s ‘In the Know’ segment on WSLS channel 10, Adam Pittman shares three essential tips to keep your information, money, and families safe. These IT tips are simple and easy to follow, but could make a huge difference in how you are protected against scams. The tips shared in this video are especially helpful for PC users.
Prevent Your Computer From Crashing
Our president, Adam Pittman, was featured on WKOB to discuss the 5 top tips to prevent your computer from crashing. As an expert, Adam shared what he does for all Computerbilities clients, as well as what you can do from home to keep your computer healthy and scam free. While they may seem simple, nearly all consumers fail to keep their computers running and follow all necessary precautions. 31% of all PC users have lost their data and files beyond their control. Don’t be one of them!
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