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The Ultimate Guide to IT Support or Managed IT Services

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  • The Ultimate Guide to IT Support or Managed IT Services

In today’s technology-driven world, businesses of all sizes rely heavily on their IT infrastructure to operate efficiently. Organizations often turn to IT support or managed IT services to ensure smooth operations and address technology challenges. This comprehensive guide will help you understand the differences between these approaches and make an informed decision for your business.

 IT Services: What Do They Entail?

  1. Helpdesk and Technical Support: Providing assistance to end-users and resolving technical issues, such as software and hardware problems, network connectivity issues, and system troubleshooting.
  2. Network Management: Manage and maintain an organization’s network infrastructure, including routers, switches, firewalls, and wireless access points, to ensure reliable and secure connectivity.
  3. Infrastructure Management: Managing and monitoring servers, data centers, and cloud-based resources to ensure optimal performance, scalability, and availability.
  4. Cybersecurity Services: Implementing security measures to protect an organization’s data and systems from cyber threats, including antivirus software, firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and security audits.
  5. Data Backup and Recovery: Implementing data backup solutions to prevent data loss and providing recovery services in case of data disasters or hardware failures.
  6. Cloud Services: Offering cloud-based solutions, such as cloud hosting, data storage, and software as a service (SaaS), to enhance flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness.
  7. Software Development: Creating custom software applications and solutions tailored to an organization’s requirements.
  8. IT Consulting: Providing expert advice and recommendations on technology strategies, infrastructure improvements, and IT best practices.
  9. Managed IT Services: Outsourcing the management of an organization’s IT environment, including monitoring, maintenance, and support, to a third-party provider.
  10. IT Project Management: Overseeing the planning, execution, and completion of IT projects, such as system upgrades, software implementations, and network migrations.
  11. Mobile Device Management (MDM): Managing and securing mobile devices within an organization’s network, such as smartphones and tablets.
  12. Virtualization Services: Implementing virtualization technologies to improve resource utilization, reduce hardware costs, and enhance flexibility.
  13. IT Training and Education: Providing training programs and workshops to help employees and IT professionals improve their skills and stay updated with the latest technology trends.
  14. Vendor Management: Managing relationships with technology vendors and suppliers, including procurement, contract negotiations, and performance evaluations.
  15. IT Strategy and Planning: Developing long-term IT strategies aligned with an organization’s business goals and objectives.

Types of IT Services

  1. Managed IT Services: These services involve outsourcing IT management and support tasks to a third-party provider. This includes network management, server monitoring, and helpdesk support.
  2. Cloud Services: Cloud services provide access to computing resources, such as storage, servers, and software, over the Internet. This includes Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS).
  3. Cybersecurity Services: These services protect an organization’s data and systems from cyber threats, including antivirus and anti-malware software, firewall management, and security audits.
  4. Data Management Services: Data management services involve the storage, backup, and retrieval of data, as well as data analytics and reporting.
  5. IT Consulting Services: IT consulting services offer expert advice and guidance on technology strategy, project management, and implementation.
  6. Networking Services: Networking services include the design, installation, and maintenance of an organization’s network infrastructure, including routers, switches, and wireless access points.
  7. Hardware and Software Support: These services provide technical support for hardware and software issues, including troubleshooting, repairs, and upgrades.
  8. IT Outsourcing: IT outsourcing involves contracting out specific IT functions, such as data center management or application development, to a third-party provider.
  9. VoIP Services: Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services enable organizations to make voice calls, including features such as call forwarding, voicemail, and conferencing.
  10. Disaster Recovery Services: Disaster recovery services help organizations prepare for and recover from unexpected events that could disrupt IT operations, such as natural disasters or cyberattacks.

Managed IT Services: What Are They?

Managed IT services are outsourced solutions where a third-party provider oversees a company’s IT infrastructure, including monitoring, maintenance, and support. This proactive approach ensures efficient technology operation, minimizes downtime, and allows businesses to focus on core activities.

  • How Do Managed IT Services Work?

Managed IT services involve outsourcing IT tasks to a third-party provider. They monitor, maintain, and support a company’s IT infrastructure, including hardware, software, and networks. This proactive approach ensures system reliability, security, and efficiency, allowing businesses to focus on core operations while the provider handles IT management and troubleshooting.

  • Alternatives to Managed IT Services

Alternative IT service models include in-house IT departments, freelance IT consultants, and project-based IT outsourcing. These options provide more direct control, specialized expertise, and flexibility but may require higher resource allocation, increased management effort, and potentially higher costs than managed IT services.

  • Benefits of Managed IT Services

Managed IT services offer businesses several benefits, including cost savings, access to expert support, enhanced security, proactive monitoring, reduced downtime, scalability, and improved focus on core operations. These services streamline IT management, ensuring efficient and reliable technology infrastructure while allowing organizations to concentrate on their strategic goals.

How to Choose an IT Service Provider

Choosing an IT service provider is crucial for your business. Start by defining your specific needs and budget. Research potential providers, considering their expertise, reputation, and client reviews. Evaluate their service offerings, scalability, and technological capabilities. Ensure they align with your industry’s compliance requirements. Request detailed proposals and compare pricing structures. Assess their responsiveness and availability for support. Finally, seek recommendations from trusted peers. Ultimately, select a provider that meets your technical requirements, understands your business goals, and offers a flexible, cost-effective solution.

Cloud IT Services: What Are They?

Cloud IT services are computing resources and software delivered over the Internet, providing on-demand access to storage, processing power, and applications. These services include infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), offering virtualized hardware; Platform as a Service (PaaS), facilitating app development; and Software as a Service (SaaS), providing ready-to-use software. Cloud IT services offer scalability, cost-efficiency, and accessibility, allowing businesses to reduce infrastructure costs, scale resources as needed, and collaborate seamlessly. They enable remote data storage, backup, and application access, fostering flexibility and innovation while reducing the burden of managing physical infrastructure.

  • How Do Cloud IT Services Work?

Cloud IT services use remote servers hosted in data centers to deliver computing resources and software over the Internet. Users access these services on-demand, paying only for what they use, without needing physical infrastructure. This enables scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness for businesses and individuals.

  • Cloud IT Services vs. Managed IT Services?
  • Cloud IT services and managed IT services are two distinct approaches to handling an organization’s technology needs.
  • Cloud IT services involve utilizing cloud-based resources, such as servers, storage, and applications, delivered over the Internet. This approach offers scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency but requires organizations to manage and secure their cloud environment.
  • Managed IT services, on the other hand, involve outsourcing IT management to a third-party provider. This provider assumes responsibility for monitoring, maintaining, and securing a company’s IT infrastructure. It offers proactive support, reduces downtime, and ensures IT systems align with business goals.
  • Choosing between them depends on the organization’s specific needs, resources, and desired level of control over their IT environment.
  • Benefits of Cloud IT Services

Cloud IT services offer numerous benefits for businesses and individuals alike. They provide scalability, allowing users to easily adjust their computing resources to match their needs, resulting in cost savings and efficient resource utilization. Accessibility is enhanced, as data and applications can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, fostering remote work and collaboration. Security and data backup are typically robust, ensuring data integrity and business continuity. Moreover, cloud services often come with automatic updates and maintenance, reducing the burden on IT staff. Cloud IT services streamline operations, improve flexibility, and enhance data management, making them indispensable in today’s digital world.

Ransomware Protection: What Is It?

Ransomware protection is a set of security measures and software designed to prevent, detect, and mitigate ransomware attacks. It aims to safeguard computer systems and data from being encrypted and held hostage by malicious software, typically by strengthening cybersecurity defenses and creating robust data backup strategies.

  • Benefits of Ransomware Protection

Ransomware protection safeguards data and systems from cyberattacks, offering benefits like data security, business continuity, and cost savings. It prevents data encryption and extortion, reduces downtime, preserves reputation, and ensures regulatory compliance, making it essential for modern cybersecurity.

  • How Does Ransomware Get into IT Systems?

Ransomware infiltrates IT systems through phishing emails, malicious attachments, or compromised websites. Once inside, it encrypts files and demands a ransom for decryption. Vulnerable software, weak passwords, and unpatched systems are common entry points. Social engineering and exploit kits also aid ransomware attacks, making cybersecurity vigilance crucial.

  • How to Protect Yourself from Ransomware Attacks

To protect yourself from ransomware attacks:

  1. Regularly update your operating system and software.
  2. Use strong, unique passwords and a password manager.
  3. Employ reliable antivirus and anti-malware software.
  4. Be cautious of email attachments and links.
  5. Backup important data offline.
  6. Educate yourself and your colleagues about phishing and safe online practices.
  7. Consider cybersecurity training and consulting services.

Hardware Virtualization: What Is It?

Hardware virtualization is a technology that allows a single physical computer to run multiple virtual machines (VMs) with their operating systems, isolating them from each other. It enables efficient resource utilization, isolation, and flexibility in managing and running software applications on a single physical server or computer.

  • How Does Hardware Virtualization Work?

Hardware virtualization allows a single physical computer to run multiple virtual machines (VMs) with isolated operating systems. It’s achieved through a hypervisor, which manages resources and mediates access to physical hardware. The hypervisor creates a virtualized environment, ensuring each VM operates independently while sharing the host’s hardware efficiently.

  • How to Implement Hardware Virtualization

To implement hardware virtualization, ensure your CPU supports virtualization technology (e.g., Intel VT-x or AMD-V). Next, enable virtualization in your computer’s BIOS settings. Install a virtualization software like VMware or VirtualBox. Create virtual machines (VMs) and allocate resources like CPU, RAM, and storage to run multiple operating systems simultaneously.

  • Application vs. Storage vs. Hardware Virtualizations

Application virtualization isolates applications from the underlying operating system, enhancing compatibility and security. Storage virtualization abstracts physical storage resources, simplifying management and improving utilization. Hardware virtualization enables multiple virtual machines to run on a single physical server, optimizing resource utilization and facilitating server consolidation.

  • Benefits of Hardware Virtualization

Hardware virtualization provides numerous benefits, including efficient resource utilization, isolation of virtual environments for enhanced security, simplified management through snapshots and cloning, seamless migration of virtual machines, and scalability. It optimizes hardware usage, streamlines IT operations, and boosts flexibility in deploying and managing various workloads.

Email Solutions: What Are They?

Email solutions refer to software and services that manage electronic mail communication. They include email clients (e.g., Outlook), webmail services (e.g., Gmail), and email marketing platforms (e.g., Mailchimp). These tools enable users to send, receive, organize, and automate emails for personal or business purposes.

  • How Do Email Solutions Work?

Email solutions utilize email servers to send, receive, and store electronic messages. When you send an email, it’s composed of your email client sent to your email provider’s server, which then routes it to the recipient’s server. The recipient retrieves it from their server using their email client. Servers use protocols like SMTP and IMAP or POP3 to facilitate this communication.

  • Features of Email Solutions

Email solutions typically offer features such as email composition, sending and receiving messages, attachments, folders for organization, spam filters, search capabilities, and contact management. Many also support calendars, task management, and integration with other apps. Security features like encryption and two-factor authentication are standard for safeguarding communication.

  • Choosing the Right Email Solution

Selecting the ideal email solution involves considering scalability, security, ease of use, and cost. Evaluate options like Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, or self-hosted platforms to match your organization’s needs. Prioritize features like collaboration tools, spam protection, and mobile compatibility for efficient communication.

  • Benefits of Email Solutions
    Email solutions offer efficient communication, document sharing, and collaboration tools, enhancing productivity. They enable quick, asynchronous communication, easy access to messages from any device, and robust spam filters for security. Additionally, they facilitate organization through folders and labels, aiding in information management.

Network Security: What Is It?

Network security safeguards computer networks from unauthorized access, data breaches, and cyber threats. It involves implementing firewalls, encryption, and intrusion detection systems to protect data and ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability of network resources.

  • How Does Network Security Work?

Network security encompasses various measures and technologies to protect computer networks from unauthorized access, data breaches, and cyberattacks. It works by implementing firewalls, encryption, access controls, and intrusion detection systems to monitor and safeguard network traffic. It also regularly updates software and educates users to mitigate risks and maintain a secure network environment.

  • Benefits of Network Security

Network security safeguards computer networks from unauthorized access or attacks. It protects sensitive data, ensures business continuity, and maintains user trust. Network security enhances overall productivity and competitiveness while complying with legal and regulatory requirements by preventing data breaches, downtime, and financial losses.

Backup and Disaster Recovery: What Is It?

Backup and Disaster Recovery (BDR) is a strategy to protect digital data and ensure business continuity. It involves creating duplicate copies of critical data and systems to prevent data loss and downtime in case of unexpected events like hardware failures, natural disasters, or cyberattacks.

  • How Does Backup and Disaster Recovery Work?

Backup and disaster recovery involve creating copies of critical data and systems to safeguard against data loss or system failures. Regular backups ensure data preservation, while disaster recovery plans detail procedures for restoring operations in case of emergencies. Combining these processes helps organizations minimize downtime and data loss during unforeseen events.

  • Benefits of Backup and Disaster Recovery

Backup and Disaster Recovery (BDR) ensures data integrity and business continuity by creating secure copies of critical information. Benefits include minimizing downtime, safeguarding against data loss, complying with regulations, and sustaining customer trust. BDR strategies are essential for swift recovery from unforeseen events, safeguarding business operations and reputation.

Custom IT Services: What Are They?

  • What Kind of Custom IT Services Can Be Provided?

Custom IT services include software development, cybersecurity solutions, network infrastructure design, cloud computing setup, and database management. Tailored to specific client needs, these services may consist of app development, IT consulting, system integration, and support for businesses seeking personalized tech solutions.

  • Benefits of Custom IT Services

Custom IT services offer tailored solutions to meet specific business needs, enhancing efficiency, security, and scalability. They optimize technology infrastructure, reduce downtime, and provide proactive support. This personalized approach fosters innovation, cost-effectiveness, and a competitive edge in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

  • How Expensive Are IT Services?

The cost of IT services varies widely depending on the specific service, complexity, and provider. Essential IT support can start at $75 per hour, while comprehensive managed IT services can range from $1,000 to $5,000 monthly for small businesses. Large enterprises may spend millions annually on IT services.

  • To Outsource or Not to Outsource IT Services?

Outsourcing IT services can streamline operations, reduce costs, and access specialized expertise. However, it may also pose security risks and lead to loss of control. Assess your organization’s needs, budget, and risk tolerance before outsourcing IT services or keeping them in-house.

How to Prepare Your Organization for IT Service Changes?

To prepare your organization for IT service changes, start by thoroughly assessing current systems and workflows. Communicate changes clearly to all stakeholders, provide training and support, and create a transition plan with milestones. Test the new services extensively before implementation and gather feedback for continuous improvement.

  • Plan Ahead

“Strategically prepare and implement IT service improvements, minimizing disruptions, enhancing efficiency, and ensuring seamless transitions for clients and stakeholders.”

  • Communicate Early and Often

Effective IT service changes require clear and consistent communication from start to finish. Engage stakeholders early, keep them informed, and promptly address concerns for successful implementation.

  • Execute the Plan

The IT Service Change Plan outlines a systematic approach for implementing updates, ensuring minimal disruptions. It includes assessing needs, planning changes, testing, communicating with stakeholders, executing changes, and monitoring for a smooth transition and performance improvement.

  • Monitor and Adjust

Monitoring and adjusting for IT service changes is crucial for ensuring smooth operations. Regularly assess performance, address issues promptly, and adapt strategies to maintain optimal service delivery and alignment with business needs.

  • Train Your Employees

Preparing employees for IT service changes is essential. Offer comprehensive training programs covering new tools and procedures to ensure a smooth transition and maximize productivity and efficiency.

Common Mistakes That Mess Up Your IT Infrastructure

Common mistakes in IT infrastructure include neglecting cybersecurity, insufficient backup solutions, inadequate scalability planning, ignoring regular maintenance, and poor documentation, which can lead to downtime, data breaches, and inefficiency.

  • Not Updating Security Measures

Neglecting to update security measures is a grave risk. Outdated systems invite vulnerabilities, leaving data and assets exposed. Regular updates are vital to counter evolving threats and safeguard against cyberattacks.

  • Failing to Plan for Disasters

Failing to plan for disasters can lead to catastrophic consequences. Without preparation, lives, property, and communities are left vulnerable, making recovery difficult and costly. Preparedness is essential.

  • Not Training Employees

Not training employees can lead to reduced productivity, increased errors, stagnant skills, disengagement, and security risks. Invest in training to empower your workforce and drive growth and innovation.

  • Little to No Planning

Jumping into tasks without planning can lead to chaos and inefficiency. While spontaneity can be thrilling, it’s wise to strike a balance by incorporating some level of organization for better outcomes and reduced stress.

  • Poor Communication

Poor communication hinders effective interaction by causing misunderstandings, confusion, and frustration. It leads to misinterpretations, missed opportunities, and strained relationships, impeding progress and cooperation within personal and professional contexts.

  • Lack of Monitoring

The absence of proper monitoring poses significant risks and challenges. Without oversight, issues may go unnoticed, leading to inefficiencies, compliance breaches, and potential threats to the organization’s stability and reputation.

How to Vet Possible IT Service Providers

When vetting IT service providers, assess their experience, certifications, client references, and pricing. Verify their cybersecurity measures, scalability, and alignment with your needs. Consider past performance and communication.

  • Identify Needs

Choosing an IT service involves assessing your organization’s specific needs, such as infrastructure, software, security, and support. Consider scalability, budget, and compatibility to ensure a solution aligns with your goals and optimizes efficiency.

  • Read Reviews and Get Referrals

Before enlisting an IT support team, it’s wise to read reviews and seek referrals thoroughly. These insights provide valuable firsthand experiences, ensuring competent and reliable IT assistance for seamless operations.

  • Verify Their Experience and Expertise

To verify the experience and expertise of an IT support team, assess their track record, certifications, and client testimonials. Look for teams with a proven history of solving diverse technical issues efficiently and staying updated with the latest industry trends.

  • Check for Compatibility
    Choosing an IT service involves assessing your organization’s specific needs, such as infrastructure, software, security, and support. Consider scalability, budget, and compatibility to ensure a solution aligns with your goals and optimizes efficiency.
  • Interview the Provider

Choosing an IT service provider requires a comprehensive interview process. Assess their expertise, track record, scalability, and alignment with your goals. Ensure their security measures and support capabilities meet your needs for a reliable, long-term partnership.

  • Be Comfortable with the Pricing

When selecting an IT service provider, ensure that the pricing aligns with your budget and expected service quality. Being comfortable with the cost is crucial to maintaining a harmonious and sustainable partnership.

  • Ask for Ongoing Support
    When selecting an IT service provider, inquire about their ongoing support options. Ensure they offer timely assistance, maintenance, and updates to keep your systems running smoothly and secure long-term success.
  • Get Everything in Writing

When selecting an IT service provider, ensure they document all agreements, terms, and commitments in writing. This safeguards expectations and responsibilities and prevents misunderstandings, fostering a transparent and reliable partnership.

  • Examine and Sign the Contract

When selecting an IT service provider, examining and signing the contract thoroughly is crucial. This ensures both parties understand their responsibilities, expectations, and legal obligations, promoting a transparent and successful partnership.

How to Optimize Your IT Service Provider Relationship

Establish clear communication channels and expectations to optimize your IT service provider relationship. Define project scope, goals, and timelines collaboratively. Foster transparency for issue resolution and performance tracking. Regularly review progress and provide constructive feedback. Prioritize mutual trust and flexibility, allowing for adjustments as needs evolve. This proactive approach ensures a harmonious partnership, maximizing IT outcomes and business success.

IT Services Made Right for You

Experience tailored IT services designed to meet your unique needs. Our expert team collaborates with you to understand your business intricacies and technological objectives. From seamless cloud integration to proactive cybersecurity measures to responsive technical support, we ensure your IT infrastructure empowers your growth. We pride ourselves on clear communication, efficient problem-solving, and staying ahead of industry trends. Elevate your business with IT solutions that fit like a glove. Your success is our priority, and we’re committed to making IT right for you.

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Adam Pitman – company’s president

Adam Pittman


Adam Pittman is President of Computerbilities, Inc. and is a veteran Computer Technician and Network Engineer with more than 35 years of experience in the computer industry. Adam has worked with local and federal government agencies and with more than 2000 businesses in more than 100 industries, including companies such as Boeing, General Dynamics and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. In 2006, Adam was the recipient of the Businessman of the Year award and received the Secretary of Defense Patriotic Employer Award in 2017. Computerbilities was named Best of Business Raleigh Business Services in 2013. In his spare time, Adam is passionate about Sailing and has sailed the British and U. S. Virgin Islands more than a dozen times.